The last couple of months were quite crazy for me. I had to
face the challenge: mixing final university assignments with work and social
obligations. It wasn’t an easy task. Even though November is regarded as the
one that brings nostalgia, January is the time of a year which gets me super
nostalgic, always. Also, I feel like I’m getting old faster than ever. Does it
sound weird? I called this state as a “new nostalgia”.
Perhaps, it is the month of the year when I have to be aware about my New
Year’s resolutions that I made in last December. Also, I have to prepare a new
schedule that will match with my university’s classes and my job. Additionally,
I can’t forget about meetings with my friends. I have to decide what would be
the best time to visit my host family in Funes, Spain, where I worked as an au
pair last year. In a nutshell: January is the beginning of everything which
puts sort of pressure on me.
Travelling is my passion. New and exciting thoughts are constantly flowing into me when I’m somewhere in the world. All the places where I’ve gone to have a special place in my memory. I know, looking at the old pictures might make the things worst but not in my case. It always brings me positive feelings and, surprisingly, overcomes nostalgic mood.

Here are a couple of ways that get me nostalgic very easily but in a positive
• Have a solo dance party with your favourite 90’s or early 00’s hits. Don’t be
ashamed! Feel free to sing out as loud as you can.
• Gather your best friends for a films marathon or you favourite TV shows or
maybe karaoke session with microwave popcorn and pizza.(and maybe glass of wine
or your favourite drink)
• Try to remake one of your mom’s specialties for dinner!
• Change your laptop wallpaper to your favourite actor or musician for just one
day (or more)